
Dual Language




"I chose Storm Lake because the teachers and administrators here put students' needs first. Every decision is made with the students' best interests in mind. I love working in a place where everyone works together to provide students with the supports they need to be successful."
- Miss Miover (3rd Grade)

"I love that Storm Lake is so welcoming and has an environment of support and growth in everything we do, academically, extra-curricularly, and in the community!
- Mr. Sotebeer (HS SPED)

"I love the community of Storm Lake, and it has been rewarding being able to experience all different kinds of diversity in the classroom. Which has allowed me to grow professionally and personally!"
- Miss Hartman (4th Grade)

What I love about Storm Lake: "We are so progressive! Administration, teachers, and support staff are continuously trying out new strategies and tools to make each child's school experience the best it can possibly be. Having said that, Storm Lake CSD pushes me to be 1% better every single day."
- Mrs. Schmitt (3rd Grade)

"Storm Lake schools are so welcoming to everyone no matter who they are and they make everyone feel like they are part of a big family!"
- Miss Krier (2nd Grade SPED)

"I chose Storm Lake because of the diversity of our school and community. Our community is so unique and special. Everyone is so kind and supportive"
- Ms. Kraft (3rd Grade)

" I love how this town is full of diversity. It's nice to know you are part of a district that welcomes all, no matter where you come from."
- Mrs. Luna (5th Grade)

"Being an additional language learner and a person who has doctorate in education, I consider myself a role model and inspiration for students in our diverse school district."
- Mrs. Pepanyan (HS MLL)

What I love about Storm Lake: "I love the diversity and I love how welcoming everybody is. It feels like one big family! "
- Ms. Frederick (MS Spanish)

What I love about Storm Lake: "No one expected me to fill a mold. I was just expected to be me"
- Mr. Corson (HS Math)